The Multiply Scheme

Pass Functional Skills
PassFunctionalSkills Team August 31, 2022

When first looking into the different resources and support that is available in regards to GCSE Maths and equivalent exams. Many don’t know that there are initiatives set up by the government to help support specific groups of people. One of these would be the Multiply scheme. In essence, the Multiply programme is a government-run initiative that aims to help adult learners with improving their numeracy skills at a GCSE level. Their goal being to prepare the learner for taking their GCSE Maths or equivalent exams. 


When first applying, the learner will first need to find out if they are eligible for the scheme. This involves going onto the Multiply scheme page and filling in the form. To be eligible, you must have not already passed Maths at a GCSE level. Another criterion that must be met is that the learner must be an adult. 


Once the adult learner has gained access to the Multiply digital platform, they will have access to numerous resources. Some of which we here at Pass Functional Skills have created. This includes:

  • Course materials
  • Maths resources
  • Revision videos
  • And so on

All of which will be on a GCSE level. Alongside this, they also offer personal 1-2-1 tutoring. Performed by qualified and experienced tutors, all having been DBS checked. 


If you are still unsure if the Multiply programme is the right choice for you, then contact us today here we can answer any questions you may have.

Pass Functional Skills
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PassFunctionalSkills Team

We help thousands of students get their Functional Skills Qualifications.